Market Linked Focus Products Scheme(MLFPS)

Export of Products/Sectors of high export intensity/employment potential (which are not covered under present FPS List) would be incentivized at 2% of FOB value of exports in free foreign exchange under FPS when exported to the linked markets (countries),which are not covered in the present FMS List.

Incremental Export Incentive Scheme (IEIS)

Incremental Export Incentivisation Scheme announced on 26.12.12 for the exports made during January 2013 to March 2013, exports made to USA, EU and Asia. Further, scheme has been extended for the year 2013-14 also and includes additional 53 countries of Latin America and Africa. The calculation of the benefit shall be on annual basis under the extended scheme.

If there is incremental growth in financial year 2012-13 compare to 2011-12 then exporter may avail the benefit of 2% of incentive on incremental growth during the period of 1.1.2013 to 31.03.2013 compared to 01.01.2012 to 31.03.2012 (covers export to USA, Europe and Asian countries).

If there is incremental growth in financial year 2013-14 compare to 2012-13 then exporters may avail the benefit of 2% of incentive on incremental growth during the period of 1.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 compared to 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013 (covers export to USA, Europe and Asian countries, 53 countries in Latin America and Africa)

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