Service Providers

FTP provides benefits to service providers who plan to earn foreign exchange providing their services. The benefits are either at the stage of buying capital goods or even later after having provided the services. All Indian Service Provider of services listed in appendix -10 like:

  • BUSINESS SERVICES (professional, R&D, real estate, others...)
  • COMMUNICATION SERVICES (postal, courier, telecommunication…)
  • CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED ENGINEERING SERVICES (work for building, civil engineering,installation & assembly work)
  • DISTRIBUTION SERVICES (commission, wholesale trade, retailing….)
  • EDUCATIONAL SERVICES (primary/ secondary/higher /adult education)
  • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (sewage ,refuge disposal ,sanitation)
  • FINANCIAL SERVICES ( insurance related, banking, guarantees & commitments)
  • HEALTH-REALTED AND SOCIAL SERIVICES (hospital, social ,others)
  • TOURISM AND TRAVEL-RELATED SERVICES (hotels & restaurants, travel agencies & tour operators…)
  • RECREATIONAL, CULTURAL AND SPORTING SERVICES (Entertainment, new agency, libraries)
  • TRANSPORT SERVICES (Maritime transport, internal waterways, air transport ,space transport rail transport, road transport, pipeline transport, services auxiliary to all modes of transport)

They can can utilize the scheme to import/procure from domestic market at a substantially reduced costs.

Served From India Scheme (SFIS)

All Indian services providers, of services listed in Appendix 10 of HBPv1, Who have free foreign exchange earning of at least Rs. 10 Lakhs in preceding financial year / current financial year shall qualify for Duty Credit Scrip. For Individual Indian Services Providers, minimum foreign exchange earning would be Rs. 5 Lakhs

All service Providers shall be entitled to Duty credit scrip equivalent to 10% of free exchange earn during current financial year. Duty credit scrip may be used for import of any capital goods including spare, office equipment and professional equipment, office furniture and consumables; that are otherwise freely importable and / or restricted under ITC (HS). Import shall relate to any services sector business of applicant.

Utilization of duty credit scrip earned shall not be permitted for payment of duty in case of import of vehicles, even if such vehicles are freely importable under ITC (HS).

In case of hotels, clubs having residential facility of minimum 30 rooms, golf resorts and stand-alone restaurants having catering facilities, Duty Credit scrip may also may be used for import of consumables including food item and alcoholic beverages.

Utilization of Duty Credit Scrip shall be permitted for payment of excise duty in terms of DoR notification issue in this behalf for procurement from domestic sources, of item permitted for import under SFIS Duty Credit Scrip.

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